Source code for eql.pipes

"""EQL Pipes."""
from .ast import PipeCommand
from .schema import Schema, EVENT_TYPE_GENERIC
from .types import TypeHint, NodeInfo  # noqa: F401

__all__ = (

def list_pipes():
    """"Get all of the current pipes."""
    return list(sorted(PipeCommand.lookup))

[docs]class ByPipe(PipeCommand): """Pipe that takes a value (field, function, etc.) as a key.""" argument_types = [] additional_types = tuple(prim.require_dynamic() for prim in TypeHint.primitives()) minimum_args = 1
[docs]@PipeCommand.register('count') class CountPipe(ByPipe): """Counts number of events that match a field, or total number of events if none specified.""" minimum_args = 0 @classmethod def output_schemas(cls, arguments, event_schemas): # type: (list[NodeInfo], list[Schema]) -> list[Schema] """Generate the output schema and determine the ``key`` field dynamically.""" if len(arguments) == 0: key_hint = TypeHint.String.value elif len(arguments) == 1: key_hint = arguments[0].type_info.value else: key_hint = [arg.type_info.value for arg in arguments] return [Schema({ EVENT_TYPE_GENERIC: { "count": "number", "percent": "number", "total_hosts": "number", "hosts": ["string"], "key": key_hint, } }, allow_any=False, allow_generic=True)]
[docs]@PipeCommand.register('head') class HeadPipe(PipeCommand): """Node representing the head pipe, analogous to the unix head command.""" argument_types = [TypeHint.Numeric.require_literal()] minimum_args = 0 DEFAULT = 50 @classmethod def validate(cls, arguments): """After performing type checks, validate that the count is greater than zero.""" index = super(HeadPipe, cls).validate(arguments) if index is None and cls([arg.node for arg in arguments]).count <= 0: index = 0 return index @property def count(self): # type: () -> int """Get the number of elements to emit.""" if len(self.arguments) == 0: return self.DEFAULT return self.arguments[0].value
[docs]@PipeCommand.register('tail') class TailPipe(PipeCommand): """Node representing the tail pipe, analogous to the unix tail command.""" argument_types = [TypeHint.Numeric.require_literal()] minimum_args = 0 DEFAULT = 50 @classmethod def validate(cls, arguments): """After performing type checks, validate that the count is greater than zero.""" index = super(TailPipe, cls).validate(arguments) if index is None and cls([arg.node for arg in arguments]).count <= 0: index = 0 return index @property def count(self): # type: () -> int """Get the number of elements to emit.""" if len(self.arguments) == 0: return self.DEFAULT return self.arguments[0].value
[docs]@PipeCommand.register('sort') class SortPipe(ByPipe): """Sorts the pipes by field comparisons."""
[docs]@PipeCommand.register('unique') class UniquePipe(ByPipe): """Filters events on a per-field basis, and only outputs the first event seen for a field."""
[docs]@PipeCommand.register('unique_count') class UniqueCountPipe(ByPipe): """Returns unique results but adds a count field.""" minimum_args = 1 @classmethod def output_schemas(cls, arguments, event_schemas): # type: (list, list[Schema]) -> list[Schema] """Generate the output schema and determine the ``key`` field dyanmically.""" if len(event_schemas) < 1: return event_schemas event_schemas = list(event_schemas) first_event_type, = event_schemas[0].schema.keys() if any(v for v in event_schemas[0].schema.values()): event_schemas[0] = event_schemas[0].merge(Schema({ first_event_type: { "count": "number", "total_hosts": "number", "hosts": ["string"], "percent": "number", } }, allow_any=False, allow_generic=True)) return event_schemas
[docs]@PipeCommand.register('filter') class FilterPipe(PipeCommand): """Takes data coming into an existing pipe and filters it further.""" argument_types = [TypeHint.primitives()] @property def expression(self): """Get the filter expression.""" return self.arguments[0]