Source code for eql.ast

"""EQL syntax tree nodes/schema."""
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import datetime
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from operator import lt, le, eq, ne, ge, gt
from string import Template

from .functions import get_function
from .signatures import SignatureMixin
from .utils import to_unicode, is_string, is_number, ParserConfig

__all__ = (
    # base classes

    # Literals

    # fields and subfields

    # boolean logic

    # queries

    # pipes

    # full queries

    # macros

[docs]class BaseNode(object): """This is the base class for all AST nodes.""" __slots__ = () template = None # type: Template delims = {} precedence = None def iter_slots(self): # type: () -> list """Enumerate over all of the slots and their values.""" for key in self.__slots__: yield key, getattr(self, key, None) def optimize(self): """Optimize an AST.""" return self def __eq__(self, other): """Check if two ASTs are equivalent.""" return type(self) == type(other) and list(self.iter_slots()) == list(other.iter_slots()) def __ne__(self, other): """Check if two ASTs are not equivalent.""" return not self == other
[docs] def render(self, precedence=None): """Render the AST in the target language.""" if not self.template: raise NotImplementedError() dicted = {} for name, value in self.iter_slots(): if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): delim = self.delims[name] value = [v.render(self.precedence) if isinstance(v, BaseNode) else v for v in value] value = delim.join(v for v in value) elif isinstance(value, BaseNode): value = value.render(self.precedence) dicted[name] = value return self.template.substitute(dicted)
def __repr__(self): """Python representation of the AST.""" return "{}({})".format(type(self).__name__, ", ".join('{}={}'.format(name, repr(slot)) for name, slot in self.iter_slots())) def __iter__(self): """Iterate recursively through all nodes in the tree.""" return Walker().iter_node(self) def __unicode__(self): """Render the AST back as a valid EQL string.""" return self.render() def __str__(self): """Render the AST back as a valid EQL string.""" unicoded = self.__unicode__() # Python 2.7 if not isinstance(unicoded, str): unicoded = unicoded.encode('utf-8') return unicoded
# noinspection PyAbstractClass
[docs]class EqlNode(BaseNode): """The base class for all nodes within the event query language.""" TAB = ' ' precedence = None def indent(self, text, depth=1): """Indent by EQL default tab.""" delim = self.TAB * depth return '\n'.join(delim + line.rstrip() for line in text.splitlines()) def _render(self): # Render the template if defined return super(EqlNode, self).render() def render(self, precedence=None): """Render an EQL node and add parentheses to support orders of operation.""" rendered = self._render() if precedence is not None and self.precedence is not None and self.precedence > precedence: return '({})'.format(rendered) return rendered
# noinspection PyAbstractClass
[docs]class Expression(EqlNode): """Base class for expressions.""" precedence = 0 def __and__(self, other): """Boolean AND between two AST nodes.""" if isinstance(other, Literal): if other.value: return self return Boolean(False) if isinstance(other, And): return And([self] + other.terms) return And([self, other]) def __or__(self, other): """"Boolean OR between two AST nodes.""" if isinstance(other, Literal): if other.value: return Boolean(True) if isinstance(other, Or): return Or([self] + other.terms) return Or([self, other]) def __invert__(self): """Negate an expression with Not.""" return Not(self)
[docs]class Literal(Expression): """Static value.""" __slots__ = 'value', precedence = Expression.precedence + 1 type_hint = PRIMITIVES def __init__(self, value): """Create an EQL value from a python value.""" if type(self) is Literal: raise TypeError("Literal AST nodes can't be created directly. Try Literal.from_python") self.value = value @classmethod def find_type(cls, python_value): """Find the corresponding AST node type for a python value.""" if python_value is None: return Null elif python_value is True or python_value is False: return Boolean elif is_number(python_value): return Number elif is_string(python_value): return String else: raise TypeError("Unable to convert python value to a literal.") @classmethod def from_python(cls, python_value): """Convert a python value to a literal.""" subcls = cls.find_type(python_value) return subcls(python_value) def __and__(self, other): """Shortcut ANDing of Static Value nodes together.""" if isinstance(other, Literal): return Boolean(self.value and other.value) elif self.value: return other else: return Boolean(False) def __or__(self, other): """Shortcut ORing of Static Value nodes together.""" if isinstance(other, Literal): return Boolean(self.value or other.value) elif self.value: return self else: return other def __invert__(self): """Negate a static value.""" return Boolean(not self.value)
class Boolean(Literal): """Boolean literal.""" type_hint = BOOLEAN def _render(self): return 'true' if self.value else 'false' class Null(Literal): """Null literal.""" type_hint = NULL def __init__(self, value=None): """Null literal value.""" super(Null, self).__init__(None) def _render(self): return 'null' class Number(Literal): """Numeric literal.""" type_hint = NUMBER def _render(self): return to_unicode(self.value) class String(Literal): """String literal.""" escape_patterns = { '\\': '\\\\', '\b': '\\b', '\t': '\\t', '\r': '\\r', '\n': '\\n', '\f': '\\f', '\"': '\\\"', '\'': '\\\'', } reverse_patterns = {v: k for k, v in escape_patterns.items()} escape_re = r'[{}]'.format('|'.join(escape_patterns.values())) type_hint = STRING @classmethod def escape(cls, s): """Escape known patterns in a string.""" def replace_callback(sub): return cls.escape_patterns.get(, return re.sub(cls.escape_re, replace_callback, s) @classmethod def unescape(cls, s): """Unescape an EQL rendered string.""" def replace_callback(sub): return cls.reverse_patterns.get(, return re.sub(r"\\.", replace_callback, s) def _render(self): return '"{}"'.format(self.escape(self.value))
[docs]class TimeRange(Expression): """EQL node for an interval of time.""" __slots__ = 'delta', precedence = Expression.precedence + 1 def __init__(self, delta): # type: (datetime.timedelta) -> None """EQL time interval.""" = delta @classmethod def convert(cls, node): """Convert a StaticValue to a time range.""" if isinstance(node, TimeRange): return node elif isinstance(node, Number): return TimeRange(datetime.timedelta(seconds=node.value)) def _render(self): interval = second = 1 minute = 60 * second hour = minute * 60 day = hour * 24 decimal = interval unit = 's' if interval >= day: decimal = float(interval) / day unit = 'd' elif interval >= hour: decimal = float(interval) / hour unit = 'h' elif interval >= minute: if interval % minute == 0 or (interval % second) != 0: decimal = float(interval) / minute unit = 'm' # Drop fractional part if it's 0 if decimal == int(decimal): decimal = int(decimal) return '{}{}'.format(decimal, unit)
[docs]class Field(Expression): """Variables and paths in scope of the event.""" EVENTS = 'events' __slots__ = 'base', 'path', precedence = Expression.precedence + 1 def __init__(self, base, path=None): """Query the event for the field expression. :param str base: The root field :param list[str|int] path: The sub fields and array positions """ self.base = base self.path = path or [] def query_multiple_events(self): # type: () -> (int, Field) """Get the index into the event array and query.""" if self.base == Field.EVENTS and len(self.path) >= 2: if is_number(self.path[0]) and is_string(self.path[1]): return self.path[0], Field(self.path[1], self.path[2:]) return 0, self @property def full_path(self): # type: () -> list[str] """Get the full path for a field.""" return [self.base] + self.path def _render(self): text = self.base for key in self.path: if is_number(key): text += "[{}]".format(key) else: text += ".{}".format(key) return text
[docs]class FunctionCall(Expression): """A call into a user-defined function by name and a list of arguments.""" __slots__ = 'name', 'arguments' precedence = Literal.precedence + 1 template = Template('$name($arguments)') delims = {'arguments': ', '} def __init__(self, name, arguments): """Call the function by name. :param str name: The name of the user-defined function :param list[Expression] arguments: Arguments to pass into the function. """ = name self.arguments = arguments or [] @property def callback(self): """Get the callback for this node.""" return self.signature.get_callback(*self.arguments) @property def signature(self): """Get the matching function signature.""" return get_function( def optimize(self): """Optimize function calls that can be determined at compile time.""" func = get_function( arguments = [arg.optimize() for arg in self.arguments] if func and all(isinstance(arg, Literal) for arg in arguments): try: rv =*[arg.value for arg in arguments]) return Literal.from_python(rv) except NotImplementedError: pass return FunctionCall(, arguments) def render(self, precedence=None): """Convert wildcards back to the short hand syntax.""" if == 'wildcard' and len(self.arguments) == 2 and isinstance(self.arguments[1], String): lhs, rhs = self.arguments return Comparison(lhs, Comparison.EQ, rhs).render(precedence) return super(FunctionCall, self).render()
[docs]class NamedSubquery(Expression): """Named of queries perform a subquery with a specific type and returns true if the current event is related. Query Types: - descendant: Returns true if the pid/unique_pid of the event is a descendant of the subquery process - child: Returns true if the pid/unique_pid of the event is a child of the subquery process - event: Returns true if the pid/unique_pid of the event matches the subquery process """ __slots__ = 'query_type', 'query' precedence = FunctionCall.precedence DESCENDANT = 'descendant' EVENT = 'event' CHILD = 'child' supported_types = (DESCENDANT, EVENT, CHILD) template = Template('$query_type of [$query]') def __init__(self, query_type, query): """Init. :param str query_type: The type of subquery to relate by :param EventQuery query: Query applied to the process' ancestor(s) """ self.query_type = query_type self.query = query
[docs]class Comparison(Expression): """Represents a comparison between two values, as in ``<expr> <comparator> <expr>``. Comparison operators include ``==``, ``!=``, ``<``, ``<=``, ``>=``, and ``>``. """ __slots__ = 'left', 'comparator', 'right' LT, LE, EQ, NE, GE, GT = ('<', '<=', '==', '!=', '>=', '>') func_lookup = {LT: lt, LE: le, EQ: eq, NE: ne, GE: ge, GT: gt} precedence = NamedSubquery.precedence + 1 template = Template('$left $comparator $right') def __init__(self, left, comparator, right): # type: (Expression, str, Expression) -> None """Compare two fields or values to each other.""" self.left = left self.comparator = comparator self.right = right self.function = self.func_lookup[comparator] def __invert__(self): """Convert a comparison by flipping the operators.""" if self.comparator == self.EQ: return Comparison(self.left, Comparison.NE, self.right).optimize() elif self.comparator == self.NE: return Comparison(self.left, Comparison.EQ, self.right).optimize() return super(Comparison, self).__invert__() def optimize(self): """Optimize comparisons against literal values.""" if isinstance(self.left, Literal) and isinstance(self.right, Literal): lhs = self.left.value rhs = self.right.value # Check that the types match first if not isinstance(self.right, type(self.left)): return Boolean(self.comparator == Comparison.NE) if isinstance(self.left, String): lhs = lhs.lower() rhs = rhs.lower() return Boolean(self.function(lhs, rhs)) # assumes calling the same function twice with the same args returns the same result elif self.left == self.right: return Boolean(self.comparator in (Comparison.EQ, Comparison.LE, Comparison.GE)) return self def __or__(self, other): """Check for one field being compared to multiple values, and switch to a set.""" if self.comparator == Comparison.EQ and isinstance(self.right, Literal): if isinstance(other, Comparison) and self.left == other.left and other.comparator == Comparison.EQ: if isinstance(other.right, Literal): return InSet(self.left, [self.right, other.right]) elif isinstance(other, InSet) and self.left == other.expression and other.is_literal(): container = [self.right] container.extend(other.container) return InSet(self.left, container) return super(Comparison, self).__or__(other) def __and__(self, other): """Check if a comparison is ANDed to a set.""" if self.comparator == Comparison.EQ and isinstance(other, InSet) and self.left == other.expression: return InSet(self.left, [self.right]) & other return super(Comparison, self).__and__(other)
[docs]class InSet(Expression): """Check if the value of a field within an event matches a list of values.""" __slots__ = 'expression', 'container' precedence = Comparison.precedence def __init__(self, expression, container): # type: (Expression, list[Expression]) -> None """Check if a value is in a list of possible values.""" self.expression = expression self.container = container def is_literal(self): """Check if a set contains only literal values.""" return all(isinstance(v, Literal) for v in self.container) def is_dynamic(self): """Check if a set contains only dynamic values.""" return all(not isinstance(v, Literal) for v in self.container) def _get_literals(self): """Get the values in the set.""" values = OrderedDict() for literal in self.container: # type: Literal if not isinstance(literal, Literal): continue k = literal.value if isinstance(literal, String): values.setdefault(k.lower(), literal) else: values[k] = literal return values def __and__(self, other): """Perform an intersection between two sets for boolean AND.""" if isinstance(other, InSet) and self.expression == other.expression: if self.is_literal() and other.is_literal(): container1 = self._get_literals() container2 = other._get_literals() reduced = [v for k, v in container1.items() if k in container2] return InSet(self.expression, reduced).optimize() elif isinstance(other, Not): if isinstance(other.term, InSet) and self.expression == other.term.expression: # Check if one set is being subtracted from another if self.is_literal() and other.term.is_literal(): container1 = self._get_literals() container2 = other.term._get_literals() reduced = [v for k, v in container1.items() if k not in container2] return InSet(self.expression, reduced).optimize() elif isinstance(other, Comparison) and other.comparator == Comparison.EQ and self.expression == other.left: if self.is_literal() and isinstance(other.right, Literal): return super(InSet, self).__and__(InSet(other.left, [other.right])).optimize() elif isinstance(other, Comparison) and other.comparator == Comparison.NE and self.expression == other.left: if self.is_literal() and isinstance(other.right, Literal): return super(InSet, self).__and__(~ InSet(other.left, [other.right])).optimize() return super(InSet, self).__and__(other) def __or__(self, other): """Perform a union between two sets for boolean OR.""" if isinstance(other, InSet) and self.expression == other.expression: if self.is_literal() and other.is_literal(): container = self._get_literals() for k, v in other._get_literals().items(): container.setdefault(k, v) union = [v for v in container.values()] return InSet(self.expression, union).optimize() elif isinstance(other, Comparison) and self.expression == other.left: if self.is_literal() and isinstance(other.right, Literal): return super(InSet, self).__or__(InSet(other.left, [other.right])) return super(InSet, self).__or__(other) def split_literals(self): """Split the set lookup into static values and dynamic values.""" if self.is_dynamic() or self.is_literal(): return self literals = InSet(self.expression, []) dynamic = InSet(self.expression, []) for item in self.container: if isinstance(item, Literal): literals.container.append(item) else: dynamic.container.append(item) return literals.optimize() | dynamic.optimize() def optimize(self): """Optimize the AST.""" expression = self.expression # move all the literals to the front, preserve their ordering literals = [v for k, v in self._get_literals().items()] dynamic = [v for v in self.container if not isinstance(v, Literal)] container = literals + dynamic # check to see if a literal value is in the list of literal values if isinstance(self.expression, Literal): value = self.expression.value if is_string(value): value = value.lower() if value in self._get_literals(): return Boolean(True) container = dynamic if len(container) == 0: return Boolean(False) elif len(container) == 1: return Comparison(expression, Comparison.EQ, container[0]).optimize() elif expression in container: return Boolean(True) return InSet(expression, container) @property def synonym(self): """Get an equivalent node that does performs multiple comparisons with 'or' and '=='.""" return Or([Comparison(self.expression, Comparison.EQ, v) for v in self.container]) def _render(self): values = [v.render() for v in self.container] expr = self.expression.render(self.precedence) if len(self.container) > 3 and sum(len(v) for v in values) > 40: delim = ',\n' return '{} in (\n{}\n)'.format(expr, self.indent(delim.join(values))) else: delim = ', ' return '{} in ({})'.format(expr, delim.join(values))
class BaseCompound(Expression): """Combine multiple expressions with a single operator.""" __slots__ = 'terms', operator = None # type: str def __init__(self, terms): """Combine multiple expressions with an operator. :param list[Expression] terms: List of terms """ self.terms = terms def _render(self): scoped_terms = [term.render(self.precedence) for term in self.terms] if len(scoped_terms) == 1: return scoped_terms[0] if len(self.terms) > 4 or any(isinstance(t, (BaseCompound, NamedSubquery, InSet)) for t in self.terms): delim = ' {}\n'.format(self.operator) indented = [self.indent(t) for t in scoped_terms] return delim.join(indented).lstrip() else: delim = ' {} '.format(self.operator) return delim.join(scoped_terms).lstrip()
[docs]class Not(Expression): """Negate a boolean expression.""" __slots__ = 'term', precedence = Comparison.precedence + 1 template = Template('not $term') def __init__(self, term): """Init. :param Expression term: The query node to negate """ self.term = term def demorgans(self): """Apply DeMorgan's law.""" if isinstance(self, Or): return And([~ t for t in self.terms]).optimize() elif isinstance(self, And): return Or([~ t for t in self.terms]).optimize() else: return ~ self.term.optimize() def optimize(self): """Optimize NOT terms, by flattening them.""" optimized_term = self.term.optimize() return ~ optimized_term def __invert__(self): """Convert ``not not X`` to X.""" return self.term.optimize() def render(self, precedence=None): """Convert wildcard functions back to the short hand syntax.""" if isinstance(self.term, FunctionCall) and == 'wildcard': if len(self.term.arguments) == 2 and isinstance(self.term.arguments[1], String): lhs, rhs = self.term.arguments return Comparison(lhs, Comparison.NE, rhs).render(precedence) return super(Not, self).render()
[docs]class And(BaseCompound): """Perform a boolean ``and`` on a list of expressions.""" precedence = Not.precedence + 1 operator = 'and' def optimize(self): """Optimize AND terms, by flattening them.""" terms = [] current = self.terms[0] for term in self.terms[1:]: current = current & term if isinstance(current, And): terms.extend(current.terms[:-1]) current = current.terms[-1] if terms: terms.append(current) return And(terms) return current def __and__(self, other): """Flatten multiple ``and`` terms.""" terms = self.terms if isinstance(other, And): terms.extend(other.terms) else: terms.append(other) return And(terms)
[docs]class Or(BaseCompound): """Perform a boolean ``or`` on a list of expressions.""" precedence = And.precedence + 1 operator = 'or' def optimize(self): """Optimize OR terms, by flattening them.""" terms = [] current = self.terms[0] for term in self.terms[1:]: current = current | term if isinstance(current, Or): terms.extend(current.terms[:-1]) current = current.terms[-1] if terms: terms.append(current) return Or(terms) return current def __or__(self, other): """Flatten multiple ``or`` terms.""" terms = self.terms if isinstance(other, Or): terms.extend(other.terms) else: terms.append(other) return Or(terms)
[docs]class EventQuery(EqlNode): """Query over a specific event type with a boolean condition.""" __slots__ = 'event_type', 'query' template = Template('$event_type where $query') def __init__(self, event_type, query): """Init. :param str event_type: One of the event types in the repo sensor/eventing_schema :param query: The query scoped to the event type """ self.event_type = event_type self.query = query def _render(self): query_text = self.query.render() if '\n' in query_text: return '{} where\n{}'.format(self.event_type, self.indent(query_text)) return super(EventQuery, self)._render()
[docs]class NamedParams(EqlNode): """An EQL node for key-value named parameters.""" __slots__ = 'kv', def __init__(self, kv=None): """Key value store for EQL parameters. :param dict[str, Expression] kv: The named key-value parameters. """ self.kv = kv or {} def _render(self): return ' '.join('{}={}'.format(k, v.render(Literal.precedence)) for k, v in self.kv.items())
[docs]class SubqueryBy(EqlNode): """Node for holding the :class:`~EventQuery` and parameters to join on.""" __slots__ = 'query', 'params', 'join_values' def __init__(self, query, params=None, join_values=None): """Init. :param EventQuery query: The event query enclosed in the term :param NamedParams params: The parameters for the query. :param list[Expression] join_values: The field to join values on """ self.query = query self.params = params or NamedParams() self.join_values = join_values or [] def _render(self): text = "[{}]".format(self.query.render()) params = self.params.render() if len(params): text += ' ' + params if len(self.join_values): text += ' by {}'.format(', '.join(jv.render() for jv in self.join_values)) return text
[docs]class Join(EqlNode): """Another boolean query that can join multiple events that share common values.""" __slots__ = 'queries', 'close' def __init__(self, queries, close=None): """Init. :param list[SubqueryBy] queries: :param SubqueryBy close: The condition to purge all join state. """ self.queries = queries self.close = close def _render(self): text = 'join\n' text += self.indent('\n'.join(query.render() for query in self.queries)) if self.close: text += '\nuntil\n' + self.indent(self.close.render()) return text
[docs]class Sequence(EqlNode): """Sequence is very similar to join, but enforces an ordering. Sequence supports the ``until`` keyword, which indicates an event that causes it to terminate early. """ __slots__ = 'queries', 'params', 'close' def __init__(self, queries, params=None, close=None): """Create a Sequence of multiple events. :param list[SubqueryBy] queries: List of queries to be sequenced :param NamedParams params: Dictionary of timing parameters for the sequence. :param SubqueryBy close: An optional query that causes all sequence state to expire """ self.queries = queries self.params = params or NamedParams() self.close = close def _render(self): text = 'sequence' params = self.params.render() if params: text += ' with {}'.format(self.params.render()) text += '\n' text += self.indent('\n'.join(query.render() for query in self.queries)) if self.close: text += '\nuntil\n' + self.indent(self.close.render()) return text
# noinspection PyAbstractClass
[docs]class PipeCommand(EqlNode, SignatureMixin): """Base class for an EQL pipe.""" __slots__ = 'arguments', name = None # type: str lookup = {} # type: dict[str, PipeCommand|type] def __init__(self, arguments=None): # type: (list[Expression]) -> None """Create a pipe with optional arguments.""" self.arguments = arguments or [] super(PipeCommand, self).__init__() @classmethod def register(cls, name): """Register a pipe class by name.""" def decorator(pipe_class): = name if name in cls.lookup: raise KeyError("Pipe {} already registered as {}".format(cls.lookup[name], name)) cls.lookup[name] = pipe_class return pipe_class return decorator @classmethod def output_schemas(cls, arguments, type_hints, event_schemas): # type: (list, list, list[Schema]) -> list[Schema] """Output a list of schemas for each event in the pipe.""" return event_schemas def _render(self): if len(self.arguments) == 0: return return + ' ' + ', '.join(arg.render() for arg in self.arguments)
[docs]class PipedQuery(EqlNode): """List of all the pipes.""" __slots__ = 'first', 'pipes' def __init__(self, first, pipes=None): """Init. :param EventQuery|Join|Sequence first: first query :param list[PipeCommand] pipes: List of all of the following pipes """ self.first = first self.pipes = pipes or [] def _render(self): all_pipes = [self.first] + self.pipes return '\n| '.join(pipe.render() for pipe in all_pipes)
[docs]class EqlAnalytic(EqlNode): """Analytics are the top-level nodes for matching and returning events.""" __slots__ = 'query', 'metadata' def __init__(self, query, metadata=None): """Init. :param PipedQuery query: Analytic query :param dict metadata: Metadata for the analytic """ self.query = query self.metadata = metadata or {} @property def id(self): """Return the ID from metadata.""" return self.metadata.get('id') @property def name(self): """Return the name from metadata.""" return self.metadata.get('name') def __unicode__(self): """Print a string instead of the dictionary that render returns.""" return self.query.__unicode__() def __str__(self): """Print a string instead of the dictionary that render returns.""" return self.query.__str__() def _render(self): return {'metadata': self.metadata, 'query': self.query.render()}
class Definition(object): """EQL definitions used for pre-processor expansion.""" __slots__ = 'name', def __init__(self, name): """Create a generic definition with a name. :param str name: The name of the macro """ = name super(Definition, self).__init__() class Constant(Definition, EqlNode): """EQL constant which binds a literal to a name.""" __slots__ = 'name', 'value', template = Template('const $name = $value') def __init__(self, name, value): # type: (str, Literal) -> None """Create an EQL literal constant.""" super(Constant, self).__init__(name) self.value = value class BaseMacro(Definition): """Base macro class.""" def expand(self, arguments): """Expand a macro with a set of arguments.""" raise NotImplementedError class CustomMacro(BaseMacro): """Custom macro class to use Python callbacks to transform trees.""" def __init__(self, name, callback): """Python macro to allow for more dynamic or sophisticated macros. :param str name: The name of the macro. :param (list[EqlNode]) -> EqlNode callback: A callback to expand out the macro. """ super(CustomMacro, self).__init__(name) self.callback = callback def expand(self, arguments): """Make the callback do the dirty work for expanding the AST.""" node = self.callback(arguments) return node.optimize() @classmethod def from_name(cls, name): """Decorator to convert a function into a :class:`~CustomMacro` object.""" def decorator(f): return CustomMacro(name, f) return decorator class Macro(BaseMacro, EqlNode): """Class for a macro on a node, to allow for client-side expansion.""" __slots__ = 'name', 'parameters', 'expression' template = Template('macro $name($parameters) $expression') delims = {'parameters': ', '} def __init__(self, name, parameters, expression): """Create a named macro that takes a list of arguments and returns a paramaterized expression. :param str name: The name of the macro. :param list[str]: The names of the parameters. :param Expression expression: The parameterized expression to return. """ BaseMacro.__init__(self, name) EqlNode.__init__(self) self.parameters = parameters self.expression = expression def expand(self, arguments): """Expand a node. :param list[BaseNode node] arguments: The arguments the macro is called with :param Walker walker: An optional syntax tree walker. :param bool optimize: Return an optimized copy of the AST :rtype: BaseNode """ if len(arguments) != len(self.parameters): raise ValueError("Macro {} expected {} arguments but received {}".format(, len(self.parameters), len(arguments))) lookup = dict(zip(self.parameters, arguments)) def _walk_field(node): if node.base in lookup and not node.path: return lookup[node.base].optimize() return node walker = RecursiveWalker() walker.register_func(Field, _walk_field) return walker.walk(self.expression).optimize() def _render(self): expr = self.expression.render() if '\n' in expr or len(expr) > 40: expr = '\n' + self.indent(expr) return self.template.substitute(, parameters=', '.join(self.parameters), expression=expr) return super(Macro, self)._render() class PreProcessor(ParserConfig): """An EQL preprocessor stores definitions and is used for macro expansion and constants.""" def __init__(self, definitions=None): """Initialize a preprocessor environment that can load definitions.""" self.constants = OrderedDict() # type: dict[str, Constant] self.macros = OrderedDict() # type: dict[str, BaseMacro|CustomMacro|Maco] class PreProcessorWalker(RecursiveWalker): """Custom walker class for this preprocessor.""" preprocessor = self def _walk_field(self, node, *args, **kwargs): if node.base in self.preprocessor.constants and not node.path: return self.preprocessor.constants[node.base].value return self._walk_base_node(node, *args, **kwargs) def _walk_function_call(self, node, *args, **kwargs): if in self.preprocessor.macros: macro = self.preprocessor.macros[] arguments = [self.walk(arg, *args, **kwargs) for arg in node.arguments] return macro.expand(arguments) return self._walk_base_node(node, *args, **kwargs) self.walker_cls = PreProcessorWalker ParserConfig.__init__(self, preprocessor=self) self.add_definitions(definitions or []) def add_definitions(self, definitions): """Add a list of definitions.""" for definition in definitions: self.add_definition(definition) def add_definition(self, definition): # type: (BaseMacro|Constant) -> None """Add a named definition to the preprocessor.""" name = if isinstance(definition, BaseMacro): # The macro may call into other macros so it should be expanded expanded_macro = self.expand(definition) self.macros[name] = expanded_macro elif isinstance(definition, Constant): if name in self.constants: raise KeyError("Constant {} already defined".format(name)) self.constants[name] = definition def expand(self, root): """Expand the function calls that match registered macros. :param EqlNode root: The input node, macro, expression, etc. :param bool optimize: Toggle AST optimizations while expanding :rtype: EqlNode """ if not self.constants and not self.macros: return root return self.walker_cls().walk(root) def copy(self): """Create a shallow copy of a preprocessor.""" preprocessor = PreProcessor() preprocessor.constants.update(self.constants) preprocessor.macros.update(self.macros) return preprocessor # circular dependency from .walkers import Walker, RecursiveWalker # noqa: E402