Command-Line Utility

The EQL python package provides a command line interface that will stream over JSON, and output as matches are found. An input file can be provided with -f in JSON or as lines of JSON (.jsonl). Lines of JSON can also be processed as streams from stdin.

$ eql query 'process where true | head 1' -f input.json
{"timestamp": 131485083040000000, "process_name": "System Idle Process"}

$ eql query "process where true | head 1" < input.jsonl
{"timestamp": 131485083040000000, "process_name": "System Idle Process"}

$ cat input.jsonl | eql query "process where true" | head -n 1
{"timestamp": 131485083040000000, "process_name": "System Idle Process"}

$ eql query "process where true | count process_name | head 3" -f tmp.jsonl
{"count": 1, "percent": 0.125, "key": "application.exe"}
{"count": 2, "percent": 0.25, "key": "software.exe"}
{"count": 2, "percent": 0.25, "key": "tools.exe"}

Additionally, the CLI allows for pieces of the query to be missing. The base query process where true can be skipped altogether if pipes are present.

$ eql query '| head 1' -f input.jsonl
{"timestamp": 131485083040000000, "process_name": "System Idle Process"}

Additionally, any where process_name == "application.exe" is equivalent to process_name == "application.exe"

$ eql query "process_name == '*.exe' | count process_name | head 3" -f tmp.jsonl
{"count": 1, "percent": 0.125, "key": "application.exe"}
{"count": 2, "percent": 0.25, "key": "software.exe"}
{"count": 2, "percent": 0.25, "key": "tools.exe"}

Detailed Usage

$ eql -h
usage: eql [-h] [--version] {build,query} ...

eql build

$ eql build -h
usage: eql build [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--analytics-only] input_file output_file

positional arguments:
  input_file       Input analytic file(s) (.json, .yml, .toml)
  output_file      Output engine file

optional arguments:
  --config CONFIG  Engine configuration
  --analytics-only     Skips core engine when building target

eql query

$ eql query -h
usage: eql query [-h] [--file FILE] [--encoding ENCODING]
                 [--format {json,jsonl}] [--config CONFIG]

positional arguments:
  query                 The EQL query to run over the log file

optional arguments:
  --file FILE, -f FILE  Target file(s) to query with EQL
  --encoding ENCODING, -e ENCODING
                        Encoding of input file (utf8, utf16, etc)
  --format {json,jsonl,json.gz,jsonl.gz}
                        File type. If not specified, defaults to the extension for --file
  --config CONFIG       Engine configuration